Monday, March 22, 2021

The biscuits for my singing workshops have gone stale. Have I gone stale too?

It’s been a year since I last led a singing workshop with real live people together in a room.

Ship's biscuit, SS Great Britain, 1874

When it becomes possible to lead singing sessions again, will I still be able to do it?

The other day, I came across the bag I use for my singing workshop refreshments. I discovered that the the biscuits had gone stale. It got me wondering: have I gone stale too?

It’s been so long since I’ve sung, let alone taught, that I wonder if I can still do it.

Many people say “It’s just like riding a bicycle!”, something you never forget. But it doesn’t feel like that.

It’s only when I get in front of a group of singers again that I’ll know if I’ve gone stale, or even forgotten entirely how to teach.

No amount of encouragement or “You’ll be fine” actually helps. It’s something we need to deal with as individuals.

And being a bit worried is a good thing: it means that you haven’t become complacent, that you take what you do seriously and want to do it to your best ability.

When we are finally allowed to reconvene as choirs and singing groups (who knows when??!!), I’ll make sure I do my preparation fully, plan my sessions meticulously, stop panicking, and trust that my years of experience and knowledge will see me through. I won’t be taking it for granted though!

Of course, this also applies to singers, not just choir leaders. Has your voice gone rusty? Will you still be able to sing? Can you remember the old choir songs?

other posts of interest

Think you’ve forgotten how to sing or conduct? It happens to us all!

Starting over – going back to choir after a long break

The most important thing do when choir starts again after a long break

Why returning to your choir after a long absence need not be difficult

Coming back to singing after a long absence or a bad experience

Getting ready to go back to choir: 5 ideas to help singers and choir leaders

Has your voice gone rusty over the summer?



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Chris Rowbury




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Chris Rowbury


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