Choirs need to promote themselves in order to recruit singers, get people to come to concerts, buy CDs and so on.
But does your public face truly reflect your choir as it wants to be?
Choirs need to promote themselves in order to recruit singers, get people to come to concerts, buy CDs and so on.
But does your public face truly reflect your choir as it wants to be?
Every choir has a reputation to maintain. Your choir and its name are essentially your 'brand' and, as such, need protecting.
When anyone shares an unauthorised photo, video or audio recording in public, it has the potential to damage your brand.
As the year draws to a close, many people start to think ahead and make plans for the new year ahead. They might look back on their achievements this year, but the focus is usually forward.
But instead of reflecting on all those new things we want to have/achieve/create, what about those things that we’d like to leave behind?
Koliadka are traditional songs usually sung in Slavic, Central European and Eastern European countries during the Christmas holiday season.
It is believed that everything sung about will come true.
Many choirs here in the UK have an ageing membership.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but if you don’t bring in new members regularly, your choir will eventually die out!
I’ve been writing this blog for 18 years, a total of 994 posts. It’s one of the few things that I’ve ever stuck at.
It can be hard to stick at something for long periods. Let’s look at how commitment, motivation and persistence interact.