As the year draws to a close, many people start to think ahead and make plans for the new year ahead. They might look back on their achievements this year, but the focus is usually forward.

But instead of reflecting on all those new things we want to have/achieve/create, what about those things that we’d like to leave behind?
It could be bad experiences, bad habits, bad jobs, bad decisions. We don’t usually want to leave good things behind!
Perhaps it would be useful to take some time to ask yourself what aspects of your singing life you don’t want to carry around with you any more.
Bad or unnecessary habits can creep up on us. “We’ve always done it this way.”
If it’s not working, then think about chucking it out.
If it’s not making you feel joy or giving you a sense of fulfilment, throw it away.
If it’s too hard or onerous or time-consuming or painful, leave that approach behind and find new ways.
If it doesn’t inspire you any more or leaves you feeling bored, ditch it and try something new.
If you’re fed up with how you think about yourself or how others see you or feel you’ve been pigeon-holed, leave that persona behind and reinvent yourself.
What things will you leave behind this year?
Chris Rowbury
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