An interesting question popped up on a Facebook group: How do you teach harmony parts to your singers?
There were several different approaches, some of them using recordings or keyboards. Here is how I do it.
We had a concert recently where pretty much every song went wrong in some way.
Yet we ended up having a fantastic evening and the audience enjoyed it enormously. How is that possible?
There are several singing groups in the US, UK and beyond which specialise in bringing songs of comfort to the dying.
You may have heard of the Threshold Choir network in the US. Here in the UK we have Companion Voices founded by Judith Silver in 2014. I asked Judith to write this guest post to tell us more about her work in this area.
A choir concert is never 100% perfect. There are usually one or two minor errors, or even big mistakes.
But what might feel like a huge disaster on stage is often not noticed by your audience.