… and their lame jokes and teaching style and clothes choice?

Does it matter if they’re really not your kind of person?
I started a new class recently and the teacher is not my kind of person.
Their tastes are different from mine and their jokes don’t work for me.
But they are a brilliant teacher and I’m learning a lot.
As a teacher myself, I can really appreciate the skills that lie behind the apparent effortlessness of teaching us, keeping us engaged, and making it fun at the same time.
I don’t need to be this person’s friend. I won’t be socialising with them outside class.
It really doesn’t matter that they’re not my kind of person.
It’s the same with choir leaders and those who lead singing workshops.
Unless they’re a bad teacher or are disrespectful or treat you badly or just aren’t up to the job, it’s not relevant whether you like them or not.
If you enjoy the rehearsals, like their song choices and appreciate the end results that’s enough.
Just get on with the singing.
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Chris Rowbury
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