Sunday, December 27, 2009

The 10 most popular posts of 2009

I reckon most of you will be too busy with Christmas to read my blog this week! Full to overflowing with turkey and all the trimmings, it’s hard to get off the sofa to switch on the computer. Besides which, computers might remind you too much of work!

melting snowman

photo by IngaMun

Rather than a normal post, I thought I’d list the most popular reads from 2009 in case you missed them first time around.

So . . . a very merry Christmas and happy New Year to one and all and thanks for reading. I couldn’t do it without you!

  1. Preparing to sing: physical and vocal warm-up ideas for choirs
    After considering why you should bother with warm ups at all, and what kinds of things you might include in a warm up, this post lists some specific physical and vocal exercises that I use with choirs.

  2. How to teach (and learn) a song by ear
    Some techniques and tips for teaching and learning songs without written music.

  3. Preparing to sing: what should a warm-up consist of?
    Having decided that warm ups are a good idea (see next post), this post considers the elements that need to be covered in any good singing warm up: body, voice and mind.

  4. Preparing to sing: why bother?
    Why bother with warm ups any way? 10 good reasons why it makes sense.

  5. But I can’t sing that high!
    How to find a comfortable place in the choir for your particular voice.

  6. How to be a good choir member
    What makes a good choir member? Things like punctuality, commitment, self-awareness, trust, sense of humour, etc.

  7. Learn how to sing in tune – matching pitch 1
    Once you’ve figured out whether you’re singing in tune or not, here are some basic tips on how to go about improving your tuning.

  8. Singing in harmony 1 – how do they do that?
    Singing in harmony with others needs a whole set of skills which are different from singing solo or with a backing band. Here are some hints on how to sing harmony effectively as part of a choir.

  9. Singing the same note – differently!
    The thorny question of matching male and female voices! The introduction of the tricky concept of ‘octave’.

  10. How do I know if I’m singing in tune?
    It’s all very well for your choir leader to tell you you’re out of tune, but what does it actually mean to ‘sing in tune’?


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Monthly Music Round-up:
