Monday, August 31, 2020

The 7 types of choir leader – which one are you?

We all lead our choirs in different ways. There is a whole range of leadership styles out there.

Photo by COD Newsroom

What type of choir leader are you?

Monday, August 24, 2020

Is it time to re-invent your singing self?

The world is full of clichés at the moment: “We’re living in unprecedented times”, “Every cloud has a silver lining”, “Getting used to the new normal”.

With everything in such turmoil, now might be a good time to re-evaluate your relationship with singing.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Can an “all voices welcome” choir ever be totally inclusive?

Many choirs are open-access: they welcome all kinds of voices and don’t hold auditions.

Photo by Fabrice Florin

But is it still possible to keep everyone happy and be truly inclusive without making too many concessions?

Monday, August 10, 2020

Choir leading as low-impact aerobics, or, how I gained weight during lockdown

Although I don’t have a regular choir, before the pandemic I used to lead one or two singing workshops each week.

I now realise that was my main exercise! Since lockdown, I’ve become a couch potato.

Monday, August 03, 2020

How to make plans for your choir when the future is uncertain

The socially-distanced reopening of indoor performances in England was due to take place last Saturday, but the government has now postponed it for at least another two weeks.

With circumstances changing so frequently, how do you prepare for future concerts and rehearsals?