Monday, August 28, 2023

Choir starts back soon: is it time for re-invention?

Here in the UK, many choirs have a long summer break and start back in early September when the schools go back.

This may be the perfect time to try something new, a time for re-invention.

Monday, August 21, 2023

Which direction does your choir face?

Do your singers always face the same direction in your rehearsal space? What about outdoor performances?

Maybe it’s something you’ve not thought about, or have just got into a habit without much analysis.

Monday, August 14, 2023

What do do if you’re missing singing over the long break

Here in the northern hemisphere it’s (supposedly!) summer. Most choirs are having their long break.

I’m often asked by singers what they can do if their choir is not meeting for several weeks. Here are some answers.

Monday, August 07, 2023

Is there a difference between “men’s songs” and “women’s songs”?

I often come across choir leaders asking for “men’s songs” for the men in their choirs.

It make me wonder: is there a difference between “men’s songs” and “women’s songs” and what does that even mean?